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Kendra Rubinfeld at
Phone 202.681.1151

Two men on stage from The Caretaker by Harold Pinter

Max Johnson and David Bryan Jackson
Photo by DJ Corey Photography

Hailed by Critics

“The Caretaker stands like the classic it is in this reverent, well-done production by a company serious about doing artful work…”
Broadway World

“Entertaining Mr Sloane by Joe Orton. . . dark and funny…depicts vice, hypocrisy and self-indulgent sexuality beneath the  surface of decorous bourgeois life…Jackson is hilarious as a doddering, ornery Kemp.”
The Washington Post

“Mystery School [by Paul Selig] is highly recommended for those who are deeply committed to their spiritual beliefs as well as those who haven’t quite figured out what to believe; there’s certainly enough thought-provoking material for all to enjoy.”
MD Theatre Guide

“A Number, being given a crisp and stimulating Capital Fringe production by The Edge of the Universe Players 2, smartly directed by Stephen Jarrett.”
DC Theater Arts

“A touching Laughter in the Shadow of the Trees [by James Prideaux] from Edge of the Universe [Theater]… Even dealing with difficult subject matter, it’s still a treat to hear these stellar actors present their masterful characterizations.”

Pullman, WA by Young Jean Lee
an evening that defies easy categorization…I was smitten and charmed…”