Past Productions

Summer 2024

Photo by DJ Corey Photography
Max Jackson and David Bryan Jackson

“…as broken and sharp-edged as shattered glass, its stutters and stops and overlaps navigated crisply by the Jacksons under the coaching of director Stephen Jarrett…”

“An interpersonal puzzle play as much as a riff on the ethics and morality of cloning...”

—The Washington Post

Photo by DJ Corey Photography
Max Jackson and David Bryan Jackson

Graphic design by Pictrix Design

“Father and son actors are flawless…Their chemistry adds another level of emotional and physical intimacy to an already terrifyingly intimate play.”

—DC Theater Arts

Featuring David Bryan Jackson* and Max Jackson*

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

Photo by DJ Corey Photography
David Bryan Jackson and Max Jackson

…A resonantly powerful piece delivered by a highly memorable cast."

—MD Theater Guide

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Set Design: Simone Schneeberg
Costume Design: Lauren K. Lambie*
Lighting Design: Hailey LaRoe
Music: Steve Antosca

*Member, United Scenic Artists
Local USA 829, IATSE

A Number was presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

In association with Avant Bard Theater

The Caretaker

by Harold Pinter

Fall, 2023

Three actors in a scene from The Caretaker by Harold Pinter

Mark Krawczyk, Max Johnson and David Bryan Jackson
Photo by DJ Corey Photography

“Pinter’s strange and stunning ‘Caretaker’ from Edge of the Universe Theater

The production…has a winning combination of talent, experience, and verve.”

Debbie Minter Jackson
DC Theater Arts

Helen Hayes Awards logo
Two actors engaging during a production of The Caretaker Maryland live theater

Max Johnson and David Bryan Jackson
Photo by DJ Corey Photography

The Caretaker” stands like the classic it is in this reverent, well-done production by a company serious about doing artful work…”

Roger Caitlin
Broadway World

Poster art for The Caretaker produced by Edge of the Universe Theater in Maryland

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Scenic Design: Sarah Reed
Costume Design: Lauren K. Lambie+
Lighting Design: Christina Giles
Sound Design: David Bryan Jackson
Props Design: Liz Long
Casting: Naomi Robin

Graphic design by Pictrix Design

+Member, United Scenic Artists
Local USA 829, IATSE

Featuring David Bryan Jackson*, Mark Krawczyk* and Max Johnson

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

The Caretaker was presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

A Number by Caryl Churchill 2022 production

by Caryl Churchill

Presented as part of the 2022 Capital Fringe Festival, a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe

“Best of Fringe” —

Two actors on set for A Number performed in Washington, DC

Jacob Yeh and David Bryan Jackson
Photo by DJ Corey Photography

“Caryl Churchill is one of the most provocative and original playwrights in the English language and fans of her work will not want to missA Number, being given a crisp and stimulating production by The Edge of the Universe [Theater], smartly directed by Stephen Jarrett.”

John Stoltenberg,
DC Theater Arts

Son 3 confronts his father in A Number by Caryl Churchill
Poster for A Number silhouette of a man with three cloned boys

Jacob Yeh and David Bryan Jackson
Photo by DJ Corey Photography

Graphic design by Pictrix Design

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Scenic Design: Simone Schneeberg
Costume Design: Lauren K. Lambie+
Music: Steve Antosca
Stage Management: JJ Hersh
Casting: Naomi Robin

+Member, United Scenic Artists
Local USA 829, IATSE

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

Featuring David Bryan Jackson* and
Jacob Yeh

A Number was presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

Two radio plays produced during COVID lockdown

Laughter in the Shadow of the Trees

by James Prideaux

Postcard for Laughter in the Shadow of the Trees by James Prideaux

Graphic design by Pictrix Design

“The subtitle of Laughter in the Shadow of the Trees indicates it’s about trees, shadows, family, memories, mortality. The actors cover all of these areas with grace and fortitude…Even dealing with difficult subject matter, it’s still a treat to hear these stellar actors present their masterful characterizations.”

Debbie Minter Jackson
DC Theater Arts

Three actors faces - David Bryan Jackson, Sarah Marshall, and Holly Twyford

David Bryan Jackson, Sarah Marshall, and Holly Twyford

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Sound Design and Audio Production: David Bryan Jackson
Casting: Naomi Robin

Featuring Holly Twyford*, Sarah Marshall*, and David Bryan Jackson*

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

The Marriage Proposal

Poster for The Marriage Proposal - a top hat, a shoe and a dog with a red mouth

by Anton Chekhov

Graphic design by Pictrix Design

“A boffo cast delivers a Chekhiovian comedyIt’s a joy for the ears and the imagination…with double-quick-paced energy, snappy dialogue crisply delivered. The company is not letting the COVID pandemic and the darkness of area venues take away from some much needed, and healthy, levity and pleasure.”

David Siegel
DC Theater Arts

Three actors faces - Kimberly Gilbert, Jamie Smithson, and Cody Nickell

Kimberly Gilbert, Jamie Smithson, and Cody Nickell

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Sound Design and Audio Production: David Bryan Jackson
Casting: Naomi Robin

Featuring: Kimberly Gilbert*, Jamie Smithson*, and Cody Nickell*

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

Artwork for My Barking Dog - a wolf wearing overalls and a tie

Fall, 2019

“…A wildly entertaining production…My Barking Dog is as wondrous as it is weird.”

John Stoltenberg
DC Theater Arts

Christopher Crutchfield Walker
Photo by Lock & Co.

Two actors facing each other on stage Edge of the Universe Theater

Christopher Crutchfield Walker and Tia Shearer
Photo by Lock & Co.

Director: Michael Chamberlin
Set Design: Giorgos Tsappas
Costume Design: Kristen P Ahern
Lighting Design: Colin K. Bills
Sound Design: Tosin Olufolabi
Intimacy Direction: Lorraine Ressegger-Slone
Casting: Jane Margulies Kalbfeld

Featuring Tia Shearer* and Christopher Crutchfield Walker

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

The Vandal

by Hamish Linklater

Summer, 2018

Artwork for The Vandal - three vague silhouettes sitting on a bench

Graphic design by Joe Mach

Presented as part of the 2018 Capital Fringe Festival, a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe

“The Vandal, which opened to a sold-out audience…is a comedy about loss. It’s also a bittersweet riff on death, performed by a trio of talented DC-area actors backed up by the tinkling sound of someone picking out notes on a piano.”

Ravelle Brickman,
DC Theater Arts

Alison Bauer and Tom Howley on stage in Edge of the Universe production of The Vandal

Alison Bauer and Tom Howley
Photo by Allie Heiman

Director: Aly B. Ettman
Set Design: Dan Remmers
Costume Design: Aly B. Ettman
Lighting Design: Allie Heiman
Sound Design: Reid May

Featuring Alison Bauer, Gianna Rapp,
and Tom Howley

Mystery School

by Paul Selig

Fall 2017

“…highly recommended for those who are deeply committed to their spiritual beliefs as well as those who haven’t quite figured out what to believe; there’s certainly enough thought-provoking material for all to enjoy.”

Brittany Allen, MD Theatre Guide

Nora Achrati on stage in Mystery School

Nora Achrati
Photo by Reid May

Director: Aly B. Ettman
Set Design: Dan Remmers
Costume Design: Aly B. Ettman
Lighting Design: Peter Caress
Sound Design: Reid May

Featuring Nora Achrati

Pullman, WA

by Young Jean Lee

Fall 2016

“…the cast puts their all into their performances…this was indeed an unforgettable experience.”

Maggie Ardiente
The Humanist

A woman sits on a chair with another woman's head in her lap. Actors in Pullman, WA

Tia Shearer and Jenna Rossman
Photo by Traci J. Brooks Studio

Director: Michael Chamberlin
Set Design: April Joy Vester
Lighting Design: Rob Siler
Sound Design: Reid May

Featuring Tia Shearer*, Jenna Rossman and Drew Kopas*

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

Pullman, WA was presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.

Entertaining Mr Sloane

by Joe Orton

“McGee’s mercurial Sloane is a winning gambit for this effective production…Schoonover is funny as Kath, a fluttery, libidinous spinster who revels in porcelain tchotchkes…Jackson is hilarious as a doddering, ornery Kemp…”

Celia Wren
The Washington Post

Fall, 2015

A man in a white t shirt sporting a tattoo of a lady looks at the camera with distain - actor Matthew Aldwin McGee

Matthew Aldwin McGee
Photo by Johannes Markus

Helen Hayes Awards logo
Three actors on stage - a smiling woman, a sneering man in a leather jacket and cap and an older man in Entertaining Mr Sloane

Claire Schoonover, Matthew Aldwin McGee and Jim Jorgensen
Photo by Johannes Markus

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Set Design: Giorgos Tsappas+
Lighting Design: Marianne Meadows+
Costume Design: Erik Teague 
Sound Design: Ed Moser
Casting: Naomi Robin

+Member, United Scenic Artists
Local USA 829, IATSE

Featuring David Bryan Jackson*
Jim Jorgensen*
Claire Schoonover
Matthew Aldwin McGee

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association

Entertaining Mr Sloane was presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.


Summer, 2014

by Lee Blessing

“…a vigorous, satisfying experience.”

Tim Treanor
DC Theatre Scene

A man is behind a fence holding a tennis ball. He looks like a dog in Lee Blessing's Chesapeake

Director: Aly Ettman
Lighting Design:  Peter  Caress
Sound Design:  David Crandall

Dexter Hamlett

Featuring Dexter Hamlett

This production was presented as a part of the 2014 Capital Fringe Festival, a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe.

The Summoning of Everyman

Fall, 2013

Author Unknown

Everyman and Death face each other in Edge of the Universe production of Everyman in Washington, DC

David Elias and Jase Parker
Photo by Johannes Markus

“[This show] is a rare opportunity to artistically reflect on life and how we perceive death. It’s a journey worth taking.”

Nicole Cusick
DC Theater Arts

The Cast of Edge of the Universe's production of Everyman
God and Messenger in Everyman produced in DC by Edge of the Universe Theater

The Cast
Photo by Johannes Markus

Keith Irby and Lynette Rathnam
Photo by Johannes Markus

Director: Stephen Jarrett
Set, Props Design:  John Bowhers
Costume Design:  Cheryl Patton Wu
Lighting Design:  Peter Caress
Choreography:  Karin Abromaitis
Musical Direction:  Elise Kress

Featuring David Elias*, Lynette Rathnam, Logan Sutherland, Keith Irby,
Jase Parker, Josh Sticklin, Caroline Wolfson and Jennifer Robison

*Member, Actors’ Equity Association